Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Health Care Disaster

Working in a health care system, you would think that I would be used to the run arounds, insensitivity, and trial and error.  In a world with technology at our disposal, one would think health care would be more streamlined.  I will NOT go into my health issues on this blog.  However I would like to share my experience.

I am never sick.   Never.  If I am, it's tonsillitis, strep throat, something of that nature.  I drastically need to have my tonsils removed.  I had golfball sized looking tonsils covered in white in early July.  Other than that, I'm healthy as a horse.  I've had some persisting health issues that have lingered and worsened since my treatment.  The doctor agrees something is obviously and very seriously wrong after todays appointment.

Issues:  I started a new job on August 22nd.  When does my insurance start? October 1st.  The last day at my old job was August 16th.  Full monthly paid premium.  However insurance terms on last day of employment.  How does that work?  So you mean I paid for a full month of premium for insurance, but if I want coverage, I have to buy a cobra policy that is . . . . hold on to your seats $427.00 for 30 days.  Uhhhhh thanks, but no thanks.  I decided in mid August not to go to the doctor under my old insurance due to them saying I would likely have to have many tests ran that would not able to be scheduled prior to my last insurance date.  So I waited until things got worse and decided I better get to the doctor.

In a world where people who do not work have free health care, or go to appointments and just do not pay bills (an issue that I for the most part don't pay much attention too, knowing full well that I should), I am now responsible for these medical bills non-billable to any insurance.  This is beyond frustrating but at the expense of my health, it's important to take care of these issues.  Mostly so I can feel well again prior to going to Texas.

Issue 2: Insensitivity.  Confidentiality.  After initially meeting with the nurse (who I might add was orienting another new nurse that made this appointment last twice as long when they already knew I was new at my job, and did not ask permission for two nurses to be in the room) and meeting with the doctor, I then met with another nurse to discuss some tests.  She left the door open.  Open.  With direct sight and ear shot to the waiting room.  Another issue arose of things she asked me to take to the hospital.  I had approximately 5 things I needed to take.  I asked her for a bag.  She said "Uhhhhh I don't think we have anything."  She then proceeded to hand me a plastic STAPLES bag that someone had brought their lunch in with to carry these things through the waiting room.  Sigh.

Without getting into much detail, these issues have drastically taken a toll on my energy level, self esteem, and every single aspect of my life.  I am hoping to have this behind me as I started a medication regiment today.   With of course strict directions to NOT drink alcoholic beverages.   Doc used the words "antibuse like reaction . . . you'll be sicker than a dog."   Oh well.  Not the worst thing to give up.  Will be a great start to healthy, clean living life that I'm slowly attempting to get underway.   Anyways, this whole experience today upset me to the point of tears.  How did we get so insensitive in our culture that at a doctors office we can't provide compassion and sensitivity to those who are ailing.  I believe in the direct reflection of events in our life in order to be able to learn and make ourselves better.  I'll be reminded when dealing with ANY issue with any resident at my current job.  One thing I really love about my current place of employment is the amount of OVER-sensitivy they place on confidentiality, compassion, and kind gestures.  I couldn't be more happy to work for a culture that embraces this.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Diary of a Newly Anointed Military Girlfriend

If you think this post is going to be about me blabbing about how sad it is or how much I cry. . . . You're wrong.  However, I can't say some of that won't be sprinkled in between.

When Aron signed up for the National Guard, I thought he would race around the world raising American Flags at national disaster sites.  I didn't know there was chance of active deployment, combat training, and longs leaves.  Aron was actually a lot smarter than I gave him credit for by not informing me of everything they have to do at basic training.  He knew if he told me that I would have stood in front of that airport door and not let him go.  Lucky for him, I found out after he got on the plane.  For example: Week 4, which is next week.  They get fitted for their gas mask.  Then they get filed into a room ten at a time that is pumped full of gas, and have to take off their gas mask, give their reporting statement, and walk out of the room.  . . . . . . Uhhhhhh excuse me??? Did you just say my boyfriend will be taking his what off???? In a room full of huh?  Yah.

I made some promises I haven't been very good at keeping to him before he left.  Like the promise that if he was going to be working hard, pushing his limits, so was I.  Man I really, really, really lack self discipline.  If there is one character flaw I wish I could gain more than anything, it would be self discipline.  I give into myself, obstacles, not meeting goals, entirely too easily.  Aron is busting his tail.  And I have ran, a handful of times.  Since moving back home, I've attempted to refocus myself.  In order for Aron and I to get to spend Sunday off base at his graduation after his parents leave, he has to earn honors status.  Which is a long list of things, that I will not be disappointed or any less proud if he does not accomplish.  One requirement is he has to run his mile and a half in under 9 minutes.  9. Minutes.  That's a 6 minute mile.  So I told him if he was going to work towards that, that I would work towards the girls honor status.  Which is a mile and a half in 12 minutes.  Right now I'm at 15:04.  So I better keep working.  We are not quite halfway through my being able to see him, so I better work a little harder.

However . . . to the main point.  It's so strange to talk to Aron on the phone.  We've never been much of a phone talking relationship type people.  Now, that's all I get.  Approximately once a week.  A fifteen minute phone call.   In my most recent phone call last night, he already sounds like a different person.  He speaks more maturely, sounds so responsible, and is very task oriented.  My fear, that I'm not longer good enough.  I'm not sure when or where this crazy idea crept into my head, but it came storming to the forefront last night.  He is so driven, being held so accountable, and here I am on day two of giving up pop, drinking a diet mt. dew.  What is wrong with me?  I have severely gotten off track with desire and drive to attain goals.  Somewhere along the way, I just stopped caring about achieving pretty much anything other than academic or occupational success.

Aron walking onto his plane.  

Aron and I goofing around after some peanut butter milkshakes two days before he left.  Yes he has on my necklace and he had recently made me laugh.  This is right before he attempted to lick my face.  
When I see Aron for the first time in 8 weeks, many websites, research say that after basic training, he will look different.  Much different.  And I don't want the opportunity to slip through my hands to provide him with the same experience.  I've been attempting to lose weight for almost well . . . all my life.  However, this is the one and only chance I will ever get to make a second first impression.  And I really don't want to mess this up for us.  I know Aron loves me and cares about me with all his heart and he doesn't care about what I look like after 8 weeks.  But I just want him to be as proud of me as I am of him.

Why Hello Again.

After a hiatus due to my computer having a virus and the lack of internet at my apartment, I'm back.  With both a new computer and internet at my housing location (more on that later).  Today will hopefully be a double post.  Some of you could care less . . . Others of you (like Mike Saad) will be tremendously overjoyed that my blogging is back.  Get excited people.  My first post will be a quick update.  My second post, will be attempts at something a little more philosophical that's been going on in my life lately.

Where to begin.  The long and short of it.  Since January (until now) I had been searching for a job relatively close to my field near my hometown.  In attempts to be closer to family, future life goals, and relationships, it was just the right thing to do.  In July I was offered a full time position as the Director of a 30 bed memory care assisted living approximately an hour from my home.  After last years excursion of driving two hours one way, to and from work each day, I figured an hour would be cake.  The decision on whether I will look for a home halfway between work and home (where my family and friends are) is still up in the air.  Mostly this will be a joint decision between me and whoever the lucky fella I decide to spend my life with is.  This job is exciting, carries more responsibility, and room for growth.  It is with a company I feel values it's employees and utilizes (and has) the resources necessary to provide adequate and compassionate care to the elderly.  I am beyond excited to get started.

Therefore I have moved back home.  In with my parents.  Which has it's positives and negatives.  Lets just go with the positives for now.  Paying off bills and saving money.  There are two things in the world that worry me.  Weight and money.  The opportunity to pay off things I have wanted to pay off for sometime is thrilling.  It's like a weight lifted off my shoulders.  Many people do not know the weight or worry of not being able to pay bills and for those of you who don't, just take my word for it.  For those of you who do, you know what I'm talking about.

On July 31st, I dropped Aron off at the airport to head to Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, TX for 8 weeks of basic military training.  Our one year anniversary of the day we met was August 6th.  This has been a trying experience thus far, 3 weeks in, but slowly day by day time passes and we get closer and closer to seeing each other.  After these 8 weeks he will be in Keesler, Mississippi for 3 months of AIT training, however the contact and communication restrictions are much less.  More of this process in a later post.  However, it has none the less been a major part of my life the past couple of weeks.

My father continues to deal with multiple surgeries, doctors, and appointments, in order to get himself put back together.  He is making progress, despite his beliefs.  He has been appropriately renamed "Humpty Dumpty."

With all the change that has gone on in my life, one thing is for sure.  I continue to feel like the most blessed and luckiest girl in the whole world.  It's amazing how perspective changes most everything in your life.