Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Ever evolving

So as this blog set out to serve one purpose, it has become a chameleon of sorts, transforming into whatever it is that I so need it to be. It has changed from a personal outlet, discovery center, and into a platform for my current adventures. My life has been in a mixed up place the past couple of months. As many of you have read and found out, life has been unsettling, volatile, and even at times, a bit scary. But I've made it. I've made it to the other side of the great divide that I was on, and I'm unscathed on dry, flat land. I'm embarking on a new journey. A journey that I never thought would encompass my life as much as it's about too. When I was younger, I believed by the age of 25 that I would have a husband, house, and 2 kids. My oh my, how that is not the truth.

First things first, while I would like to believe that I just haven't found "him" yet, I think it's a combination of my ADD and my unwillingness to settle. While other people have found their mates and quickly settled down, I see the opportunities that they have missed to go out and experience them self. To truly be ALONE. To see what it's like to spend mass quantities of time with YOURSELF. Spending time with myself has become a great solstice for me. I find peace and serenity in rejuvenating my energy. Now don't get me wrong, my eyes are still peeled. But I am in a new found place of allowing it to happen on it's own, rather than searching for it.

So what will I do with my time now that I'm not the male searching version of the crocodile hunter. Career. That's what I'm doing. Re-prioritizing. Following my dreams. My dream truly is to just be successful. I just want to be good at whatever it is that I'm doing. I want to make a difference in the world of course, but I'll have plenty of time for that once I become successful (vague yes I know).

Youth University. . . . wow. What do I have to say about Youth University. First off I will say, my boss took a gamble on me. I have small to no sales experience but am adamantly passionate about the cause. I feel as though kids need something to work for, a carrot in front of their proverbial goat noses if you will. With this opportunity kids can focus, create, and very importantly STAY out of trouble. No more MST kids!!!! I feel as though Dwain and Elijah are probably two of the most brilliant and genius men I will ever meet, and hope to someday learn all there is to know from them. This will however, take a majority of my adult life. But with this being said, I want to work for it. I want to know what it's like to pour my heart into something and watch it flourish. I want it to grow, and I want it to grow bigger and better than anybody else's. In order to do this, I need to continually remind myself. Angie . . . what is it that you want in life? How will you get it? . . . By working hard. Harder than you've ever worked in your life. And while Dwain would say, "Don't work hard, work smart." I need the hard work reminder in order to keep me motivated. That this will not come easy. That this will take my serious dedication.

With all that said, I would say the same of myself. I'm taking a huge risk with this company. Many of you all know my financial situation and it gets more and more stressful every day. I never thought I would ever be to this point. But I am. And I have to remind myself that the only way out of this is through my hard work. Therefore, I must again, work harder, stronger, smarter, faster, than anyone out there, if I'm ever going to achieve stress relief from money. I'm gambling on this. I'm putting myself in a very dangerous position to do this, and I'm praying that all works out as planned.

I am looking forward to the new adventures I'm about to embark on, I'm looking forward to the new challenges I will see, I'm also looking forward to the many new people I've already begun to meet. I think it's been very healthy for me to purge myself of some toxic people in my life. I think it will be very necessary to return to those people who have always been there for me. I think the summer is always a time to find many new friends who will only be around for a while. So it will be good as the summer begins to wind down to see who pulls through in the end, who I can put stock into, and who will be here when the snow rolls in.