Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Self Discipline - Obviously Not My Forte

Well . . . here it has been another 9 months . . . Wow . . . 9.  I just used 2 hands to count.  9 months since I've posted.  This blog is something that I've wanted to make real, updated, about life, cooking, projects, etc.  And somehow every month it seems to get away from me.  There are some experiences occurring in my life that I want to be CERTAIN not to miss chronicling.

The updates in my life are immense, but lets focus on the biggies:  

1.  Getting married.  Whew.  Who would have thought planning a wedding would be as much work as everyone says it is.  Ha.  This is most certainly not an experience I enjoy.  I am a second guesser, a poor decision maker, and terrible with money.  Any decision that I am sure about, my family does not like and wants to talk me out of.  Aron is not a wedding planner either.  Nor is any groom.  However, I am learning to find fun in the details, this will happen once in my life.   But I am most certainly not the fairy tales and bows some brides tend to be.  This process has been more than challenging to my personality, but I continue to forge ahead.

2.  Buying a house.   (On the down low).  I (Aron and I) bought a house.  Our inspection was last evening and we should be moving forward as planned.  I'm excited to move.  I'm excited to have my own place again.  Excited to have my own things.  However, being in the home for 3 hours last evening was overwhelming eye balling all the work there is to do.  This will most certainly be a longer process than I thought it would be.  But I am excited for the day when I can move in and call this place my home.  (After much wall paper torn down and coats and coats of paint).

3.  The relationship stress of planning a wedding and buying a house simultaneously.  Period.

4.  My job change to Foundations.  While my job is at times stressful, and I have difficulty managing the time constraints and paperwork, it is one of the best decisions I ever made to leave Trilogy in Englewood.  My coworkers value me (on occasion, at times, I think) and I enjoy what I do.  There is no greater job reward than seeing people's lives improve.

My life has taken many twists and turns.  Just a few brief updates I feel sometimes catch me back up to speed in the cyber world, and that leaves me open to updating about things more regularly.  My proverbial questions remain at the end of each post.  These are a little less life altering.  How does one blog on a regular basis?  How do they make them look all cute like that?  How do they get other people to read them?  How do you get people to follow you?   Maybe I should pinterest search this kind of thing.  

Hoping in the future to add recipes I make, furniture I refinish, rooms I make look fabulous (ha), wedding plans, and how Aron and I's relationship continues to grow :)