Wednesday, June 17, 2009


"Advice is a form of nostalgia, dispensing it is a way of fishing the past from the disposal, wiping it off, painting over the ugly parts and recycling it for more than it’s worth."

I also feel as though nostalgia is a form of advice. I've been nostalgic over the past week. A chance encounter that was almost . . . has compelled me into thought. I'm more than grateful for the heartache I've encountered over the past months. Now granted I wasn't too thankful at the time, but we all know things happen for a reason. I mean I have no reason to be sorrowfully nostalgic which I'm not. Just a bit reminiscent.

Moving on . . . . literally about moving on. I always complained when certain significant others in my life would accuse, hold against me, etc. things that past ex'es had done or been burnt on. Yet, turn the tables and one hell of a significant other later, I'm doing the same thing to the new ones I've moved on to. When one would think that I would be excited, elated, thankful that I have found something better, that it would be easier, it's even more difficult. When does the wall come down? When it all actuallity it's only been built higher.

I'm am being very thankful for time with friends. I am beginning to build some great relationships with the girls at B'head. Who I am wonderfully grateful to have found. To find other people in the same situation I am in, and still out there doing it every day, makes me not feel so alone.

I'll go back to this . . . I'm a lucky girl . . . a very very very lucky girl. I may not have it all figured out . . . but life moves on one day at a time. And I"ll figure it out one day at a time. And in the end with all the pieces fall into place, I"ll continue to have those around me who mean the most.

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